Friday 17 April 2020

Distance Socially and Connect emotionally:

We all are living in strange times. We all are only thinking about ourselves most of the times. We think we know someone, when we don’t. We all just too quick to pass judgements and decide if someone is beneficial for us or not. We are too afraid to be vulnerable, to express our emotion, the fear of judgement crawling in us, making us as cold as ice, that there is no warmth of compassion left. That for protecting ourselves feeling hurt, we actually forget how to feel at all.
We used to fake our smiles and greet with people, thinking that some mere emotions shouldn’t keep us away from effecting our work life. That we never realized, we were keeping ourselves busy, and not thinking of completing this void, growing slowly and gradually within us. Everything seemed fine, we got used to live with that void, by engaging in pleasurable activities, denying to even recognize it.
But, the times have changed now, we are entrapped in our houses, and can’t go to work, leaving us by ourselves. We can’t hangout with our so-called friends, leaving us alone with ourselves.
Now you can’t deny feelings anymore, you must confront it, how are you feeling about yourself? Can you recognize, where have you been lacking? That you have been working like a machine, your whole life, that you were ignoring your loved ones for the sake of your business, that you were only feeding your body with delicious cuisines, and not your soul with some good books?
Now you got this chance to connect with yourself and your loved ones, your family, who care about you. Now you don’t have any excuses for them to leave you alone as you are busy working, that you can spend time with them! Ignite this compassion and tolerance for them, that you can explore your interests! You got all the time in this world! That you can think and feel whatever you want, away from the judgmental stares and comments.
You’ll know this quarantine is a bliss rather than a curse, that even if you have distanced socially, you have gotten a chance to connect emotionally.

Sunday 13 October 2019

When you came along:

I am running in a maze,
To put my thoughts together,
They got jumbled,
When you came along.

I was the girl,
With focused dreams,
Now they're lost,
When you came along.

Those eyes and lips,
Glimmered with happy smiles,
Now they glisten in tears,
When you came along.

My heart was warm,
With love and compassion,
Now its cold as ice, 
When you came along.

Peace was my companion,
A fierce soul was living in me,
Now it broke apart completely,
When you came along.

Saturday 28 September 2019

Silent Pain:

In these dark skies,
I find solace in its silence,
Helps me drown my cries,
Behind the closed doors.

The silent pain now,
Creeps slowly around me,
Till it succumbs,
My peace of mind.

Looking at the mirror,
I see my red eyes,
The brown orbs of mine,
Slowly losing its spark.

The darkness now,
Comforts me now,
As it hides my pain,
Away from people.

The Happiness now,
Seems an illusion,
As it only fades the pain,
Away for a while.

You try to numb it,
By losing your breaths,
Into smoke, coming out
From your sinful lips.

You stare into space,
Stuck into the mind,
The whirlpool of emotions,
Leaving you behind restless.

Moving on is never easy,
You feel that this pain,
Is all you could ever feel,
Or else.....

Thursday 6 June 2019

Illusion of Perfection:

What is the term ‘perfect’ means; If you search it on google you will find that a person or a thing, having all the required or desirable elements, qualities or characteristics as good as it is possible is perfect.

Many people have different perspectives on achieving perfection or being perfect. Most people think that being perfect, makes us happier and successful, we believe on this ideology but what we don’t look at the other side of being a perfectionist, that aiming and striving for perfection is making us feel exhausted, restless and being overly self-judgmental.

Most of us believe that if we are flawed and not perfect then this world won’t cherish and love us. From childhood, many parents inscribed this concept in the minds of innocent children, and if they didn’t achieve perfection in their manners and grades, they will be left behind. There are many children who are brought up in that way and they grow up to become a perfectionist.

Being a perfectionist, we push ourselves to maintain the perfect bubble, speak and act accordingly without giving ourselves space to be normal and relaxed. A person of this mentality is like a robot, erect and strict. Even though somebody tries to be perfect all the times in every aspect, they could still leave something behind incomplete and imperfect. We can manage many things but not everything, Only Almighty God is capable of doing that.

If we couldn’t accomplish a goal completely or if we make a mistake, people criticize, but more than them, we criticize ourselves. We become doubtful of our self-worth. We blame ourselves for not being perfect, this mentality often leads many towards insecurity and frustration.

This is the illusion in which many of us live in. We are in an urgency to get things done and done perfectly, no place for mistakes even if we do know the fact that to err is human!

The thing is, we can never be perfect even if we want to. We, humans, make mistakes, we have flaws, which makes us humans, not God. If we accept the fact that it is okay to make mistakes, its okay to be human, its okay for not being perfect, we get riddance from much useless stress and we could live our life to its fullest, seeing things as it is, being realistic, forgiving and not creating and living in the illusion of perfection.  

Saturday 16 March 2019

Heart Whispers:

Breaking my boundaries to you,
Revealing out my secrets to you,
Slowly and painfully by your hands,
I begin losing myself to you.

You were like a whirlwind,
With harsh winds, that swooshed me,
To the barren lands of nothingness,
You left me there, a mess.

Your sweets words lured me in,
To a lost paradise,
By time, it all faded away,
When came my demise.

You were the brightest flame,
Burning my dignity into ashes,
Oh how I let myself,
Become a fool by heart.

You seemed the sweetest lullaby,
To my grieving bickering soul,
But in actual, you were
The warning call of  my bitter reality.

Thursday 14 February 2019

Corrupted Soul:

There is my corrupted soul,
Caged by worldly desires,
There is my heart,
Letting the demons reside,
There is my mind,
Scheming wildly for power,
There is my mouth,
Lying straightly on faces,
There are my eyes,
Seeing the infidelity,
There are my ears,
Unhearing the cries of victims.
There are my hands,
Throwing the curtains over evil,
There are my feet,
Going towards felonies everyday.
I am a corrupted soul,
Caged by worldly desires,
You can’t dominate me,
With any goodness.
I am a symbol of hatred,
Your love can't change me!

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Accepting Reality:

Sadly most of our young generation is caught up adopting anxious thinking. They think its necessary to get worried, confused and frustrated, before standing up for a decision, otherwise you are not responsible, that you haven’t thought about it clearly, as a result, we over analyze the situation, and get ourselves easily frustrated.

Typically, our environment has molded us to follow the mediocre mindset of worrying over small things and not thinking broadly and differently, in general, inhibiting a compromising behavior.

We are afraid to step out of our comfort zones and view the world with our different perspectives because we don’t believe that it would be helpful for us anyway. We are not the risk takers. 

But then comes a time of our lives, when in order to survive, we have to step out of our comfort zones and take risks, when we are vulnerable and weak-willed. This is more risk than the one before.
 Sadly we are likely to get satisfied by sweet lies, instead of getting frustrated by harsh truths. We are becoming emotionally intolerable day by day, wanted to view the world according to our own desires and needs, instead of seeing the real picture, the so-called Bitter reality. 
We need to accept the facts of reality, that there is injustice, hatred and many conspiracies among us, but there is also justice, goodness and faithfulness among us too.
Don't just look at the bad side and bright side only, there is nothing in the world that is entirely black and white. Just try to create a balance in viewing the bad and good things about a situation.