Thursday 6 June 2019

Illusion of Perfection:

What is the term ‘perfect’ means; If you search it on google you will find that a person or a thing, having all the required or desirable elements, qualities or characteristics as good as it is possible is perfect.

Many people have different perspectives on achieving perfection or being perfect. Most people think that being perfect, makes us happier and successful, we believe on this ideology but what we don’t look at the other side of being a perfectionist, that aiming and striving for perfection is making us feel exhausted, restless and being overly self-judgmental.

Most of us believe that if we are flawed and not perfect then this world won’t cherish and love us. From childhood, many parents inscribed this concept in the minds of innocent children, and if they didn’t achieve perfection in their manners and grades, they will be left behind. There are many children who are brought up in that way and they grow up to become a perfectionist.

Being a perfectionist, we push ourselves to maintain the perfect bubble, speak and act accordingly without giving ourselves space to be normal and relaxed. A person of this mentality is like a robot, erect and strict. Even though somebody tries to be perfect all the times in every aspect, they could still leave something behind incomplete and imperfect. We can manage many things but not everything, Only Almighty God is capable of doing that.

If we couldn’t accomplish a goal completely or if we make a mistake, people criticize, but more than them, we criticize ourselves. We become doubtful of our self-worth. We blame ourselves for not being perfect, this mentality often leads many towards insecurity and frustration.

This is the illusion in which many of us live in. We are in an urgency to get things done and done perfectly, no place for mistakes even if we do know the fact that to err is human!

The thing is, we can never be perfect even if we want to. We, humans, make mistakes, we have flaws, which makes us humans, not God. If we accept the fact that it is okay to make mistakes, its okay to be human, its okay for not being perfect, we get riddance from much useless stress and we could live our life to its fullest, seeing things as it is, being realistic, forgiving and not creating and living in the illusion of perfection.  

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